Farbror Blå * Brandhill

Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Politik

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 3 maj 2015 01:04

Maria Larssons "standardargument" när det kommer till drogdebatter. "En bred konsensus om att..."

- Hälsningar Torbjörn S. Brandhill "Farbror Blå"

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 30 april 2015 03:37

What countries are we talking about?


Upper middle class income countries are the main countries in this futuristic study. This report/study focuses on 9 out of these countries. The study leaves out small countries, petrol countries, China and Cuba. The focus are on Argentina Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and South Africa. Especially Brazil and South Africa is apparently interesting in the study of the middle income trap.


Middle income countries and politics: The political capacity is weak in the middle income countries. In the sense of fractures society, a low bureaucratic and fiscal capacity, which means the countries may have great difficulties to take care of a rising economic growth and a large increase of multinational companies and so on. There is as well an absence of threat and incentives for complacency.


Growth into middle income leaves a weak state: It was described that growth into a middle income country leaves weak state. Weak state in the sense of low fiscal capacity, which concerns informality, direct and tax morale. Multinational Corporation’s ability to control the market and to transfer pricing is a sign of a weak state. In the middle income countries is there also a low income tax and a low income tax can leave a weak state.


Bureaucratic capacity in the middle income state: Prior development tasks were easier than the futuristic task named middle income trap. The expanding primary education has for example had effect on the state because of the low bureaucratic capacity in the middle income state. A larger primary education needs a greater bureaucratic capacity.


Democracies shorten time horizons: Few incentives for politicians to initiate conflictual policies that will not show immediate results. Heightens importance of long term social coalitions. Divergent interests and the missing education coalition can be solved in a shorten time according to Ben Ross Schneider.


MNC and domestic firms

Multinational corporations (MNC) competing with domestic firms. Multinational corporations are 1/3 to ½ of the largest firms in the countries. Multinational corporations are mostly in higher manufacturing and services. Domestic firms are though dominating in commodity.


Formal versus informal workers in the different market areas. Informal sector is 40-50 % of economy.



The middle income countries has high inequality. Large middle income countries have low equality compared to High income OECD countries.


There are debilitating effects of inequality in politics means Ben Ross Schneider.


Ben Ross Schneider stated that inequality reduces cooperation, governance and coalition building:


In equality increases a countries vulnerability to volatile populism and clientelism. Entrenched elites shape extractive institutions to their favor. Mexican telecoms is an invention because of increased vulnerability to clientelism and volatile populism. Ben Ross Schneider mentioned that scientist named North, Robinson and acemoglu has written about this particular subject.


MNC are not interested in equality. MNC can move, find lope holes or train in-house. Big domestic business are non-tradable and commodities. (The business are renting for private training solutions) Workers are not interested according to two different principles: 1. Formal sector has in-house training. 2. Informal sector does not require skills.


Curiosities: 2/3 of respondents in Latin America are satisfied with local schools for their children.


There was no description of what kind of equality they were comparing or what state are admirable to escape the middle income trap.

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 29 april 2015 00:25

Ett kort svar till en homofob helt enkelt. Ett väldigt bra svar skulle jag säga. Det är så tröttsamt när man hör "övertygelsen" om att homosexuella kan välja att inte vara homosexuella. (Ja, jag känner personen i videon och då menar jag inte homofoben) 


- Hälsningar Torbjörn S. Brandhill "Farbror Blå" 

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 29 april 2015 00:13

The middle income trap

The middle income trap: More politics than economics – Richard F. Doner, Emory University, Ben Ross Schneider MIT Lecture by Ben Ross Schneider 19. December 2014.

Richard F. Doner is a professor of political science at the Emory University and Ben Ross Schneider is a professor of political science and director of MI.

“The middle income trap” is an academic term. The term is in process and the lecture described this process and how far the scientist has progressed in the search after a solution to the middle income trap.

What is the middle income trap? There are many different variables scientist use when they are defining a countries wealth. Different variables like welfare, taxes combined with a country’s GDP, scientist are able to classify it as middle income-low income country etcetera. The theory is that if a country attain a particular income because of given advantages it will get stuck at that level. This phenomena is called the middle income trap.

Few people are graduating to high income in the middle income trap. Many theories lead to expectations of convergence to high income, however the result has shown that is partly not true.

Wordlist: *R & D is an acronym for research and development. The process of researching and developing new methods or technics is named R & D. First people synthesize and theories, and then explore and state hypothesis based on the research material. Scale up and study effectiveness is important when it comes to the research and development process. In Europe the term research and technical is more often used.

*MI = middle income, MNC = multinational corporations * clientelism = the exchange of services and goods for political support.

*MNC = multinational corporations

Why is it a trap?

Economist have many lists of “policy remedies” but the main points are:

  • A lack of many different investments, infrastructure, R & D, property rights, flexible labor markets and human capital.
  • If we know how to get out of the MI trap. Why are not countries avoiding the trap in the first place?
  • Political capacity is lower in the countries who growth into middle income countries,- States are weak, coalitions are difficult to form, constitutional problems. There are upgrading policies and those are institutional intensive. Institutions as schools, universities, labs, courts and public verses private market.

There are upgrading policies and those are institutional intensive. Institutions as schools, universities, labs, courts and public verses private market.

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 28 april 2015 20:22

Maria Weimer (FP) kommenterar hur regeringen har skött utrikespolitiska frågor.

- Hälsningar Torbjörn S. Brandhill "Farbror Blå" 

#Folkpartiet #utrikespolitik #liberalism #feminism #diplomati #svpol

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 28 april 2015 01:57

              Bilder från Folkpartiets riksmöte 2015. - Hälsningar Torbjörn S. Brandhill "Farbror Blå" #librix #Folkpartiet #svpol                                 


Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 27 april 2015 21:29

Erik Ullenhag frågar ut Maria Weimer (FP) om miljöpolitiken vid kommunalt riksmöte i Västerås.

  Maria Weimer (FP) och Lars Tysklind (FP) efter seminariet om grön liberalism. 

#librix #folkpartiet #liberalkraftsamling

Av Torbjörn S. Brandhill - 27 april 2015 19:12

Ett riktigt bra tal av Jan Björklund. Nu startar den liberala kraftsamlingen. Folkpartiet ska förnyas. - Hälsningar Torbjörn S. Brandhill "Farbror Blå" 

#svpol #folkpartiet

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Jag gör videor på svenska, engelska och tyska. I mina videor på svenska heter jag "Farbror Blå" och i de på engelska samt tyska heter jag "Brandhill". Alla mina videor på tyska har undertexter på svenska så om du inte kan tyska är det inte något problem. Här är min youtube-kanal: 



Jag är 26 år och politiskt aktiv i Liberalerna, har en populär blogg samt youtube-kanal med över 400 000 views, spelar piano, sjunger m.m.


Har varit distriktsordförande för LUF Kalmar och suttit som ersättare i en del lokala styrelser i Liberalerna tidigare Folkpartiet Liberalerna. 


Är intresserad av livet och allt som har med livet att göra. Poesi har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv och på poeter.se delar jag med mig av mina dikter. Jag har pluggat internationella samhällsstudier på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar och har därmed läst idéhistoria, statsvetenskap, internationella samhällsstudier m.m. Jag var erasmusstudent i Bremen/Tyskland. I Tyskland pluggade jag statsvetenskap, engelska och tyska. (Terminen i Tyskland var under förra hösten)  Är hemma i Sverige nu och har en fil.kand. i statsvetenskap. Idag pluggar jag offentlig förvaltning, ledning och styrning på Göteborgs Universitet. 


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Politik: Talesperson för en realistisk och genomtänkt syn på politik. Jag älskar att diskutera och försöker göra mig involverad i politiken genom att diskutera frågor via flera olika synvinklar. Jag brinner för de mänskliga rättigheterna.  


Här är ett klipp från min tv-debut. Det var under valrörelsen i februari-månad 2014. (Om jag minns rätt)   



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P4 Kalmar - Debatt om vilka frågor som är de viktigaste ungdomsfrågorna: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=86&artikel=5889187 


I P3 om hot som jag fått som politiker och ordförande i LUF Kalmar: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspxprogramid=1646&artikel=5853654

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